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    • January 27, 2013 9:07:10 AM EST
    • The Baby Grand Piano

      It had been a several weeks since the four of them had been together. Between juggling kids, busy schedules, and normal everyday life commitments, the two couples looked forward to their few days of erotic exploration, and continuing the quest that remained in their minds since their last meeting.

      Jack and Sarah, Rick and Annie — it sounded like a not quite ready for prime time movie. The couples had communicated by email for several months, deriving bits and pieces of their respective desires, knowing full well that only a meeting of the four would determine if the initial spark created in writing, would translate into heated passion when their eyes met.

      As is the case with lifestyle couples, finally getting together was the hardest part. The passion police, otherwise known as kids, always seemed to interfere with the ultimate date where they could put the world behind them, and start to delve into the forbidden realm that they visited only occasionally. So the four — Jack, Sarah, Rick and Annie, decided to meet at the Hard Rock Café at Casino Niagara. It was fairly neutral for all four and if the sparks didn’t fly, then no harm done. It would be another night of interesting conversation, not one’s normal dialogue between friends, but a time of exploring with new acquaintances.

      The four met at 2:00 pm in the afternoon. After a few tentative minutes of pleasantries where eyes darted back and forth, body language designed not to reveal too much too soon, the mood quickly turned to one of complete relaxation as the hours passed in laughter, stimulating topics of sensual experiences, and a total lack of inhibition. The four agreed that it was sad that more couples could not share the openness of this conversation. It was a liberating experience to be able to talk openly about all things sexual and erotic. Above all else, and if the four went no further than a pleasant afternoon, they knew that it was time well spent and would result in the budding of a new friendship.

      The couples shared their stories of their times in the lifestyle, some good and some bad, but always interesting. As the hours passed, the mood also evolved towards a more personal one where it was no longer a conversation about some past experience, but of the experience yet to come. So Jack, Sarah, Rick and Annie crossed the next threshold before them — a threshold only focused on them alone. Where would this connection lead them? Would this initial spark be further transformed into a greater erotic depth of sharing between the four.

      Annie, the blonde buxom beauty had curves that turned every eye in the bar. Annie’s sensual looks, and incredibly sexual movements, turned every single male (and many female) heads in the bar. Her black leather mini skirt clung to her shapely thighs in a way that left one dreaming about the pleasures hidden underneath. She was, quite frankly, an extraordinary example of female sensuality at its erotic best.

      Sarah was a gorgeous brunette with eyes that could seduce a man at will, and a smile that would disarm the most stoic of men. Her Italian heritage had given her the beauty of a goddess and a body over which men would go to war — fight to the bloody death for a moment of her affections. She was olive skinned, with limitless depth in her eyes. She was a seductress and she had the power to destroy or the power to love unconditionally.

      Jack was a handsome, dirty blonde, an easy going kind of man, whose sense of humour could charm a room full of divergent people. His kind features and the softness of his approach gave him the sensitivity to know and understand the people he met. He was a good judge of character and possessed a soul that was true and compassionate.

      Finally Rick, a strong, dark haired, somewhat mysterious personality, was a man of passion and thoroughly engaged in the quest for erotic exploration. While not easily defined, nor willing to be completely understood, he craved the excitement created by the people he met. He was charming, intelligent and sought an understanding of the deeper side of erotic exploration.

      Four very different and complex personalities had come together and had started a journey on uncharted waters, with adrenaline as the sea upon which they would sail, and sensuality as the wind that would guide their excursion.

      By the time the afternoon had turned into a late evening, no one wanted the day to end. Hours had passed with not a break in the conversation. But they knew this would be the start of something special. As they embraced each other, leaving in different directions, they knew that this was just the beginning of a wonderful friendship.

      Sarah and Rick were leaving for their annual vacation and would not see Annie and Jack again for several weeks. They had chosen to explore a new vacation spot called the Caribbean Reef Club, just outside Cancun, Mexico. When they arrived, unpacked and ventured down to the pool, their thoughts turned to Annie and Jack back in Ontario, withstanding the cold, harsh January winters that only a real Canadian could endure.

      The CRC was an interesting place and one that was quickly becoming a Mecca for lifestyle couples. The warm Mexican sunshine melted away all the remnants of the snow that had been left behind only hours before. Alone in this tropical paradise, Sarah and Rick spent the next 11 days enjoying the sun and fun and freedom only found when one’s bathing suits aren’t even packed in the first place!

      Annie and Jack, on the other hand, visited Club Prive on the Saturday nights when their new friends were away. Their evenings were filled with the forbidden pleasures of sensual music and flesh. They talked seductively of the evenings with Sarah and Rick that had yet to take place, and wished that they could all be together again soon.

      Sarah and Rick couldn’t wait to meet their new friends and tell them of the experiences they enjoyed (clearly a different story submission to be posted at a later date). Upon arrival back in Ontario, Sarah and Rick checked their email only to find that Annie and Jack had written a note to them on every day of their vacation. It was heart-warming to know that even though they had not been together, they were never far away in their thoughts.

      So as kids, work schedules, and every day life made the exotic vacation nothing more than a pleasant memory of sensual delight, it was time to bring this foursome back together once again and re-ignite the spark that had been created weeks before.

      Sarah and Rick had decided to invite Annie and Jack over for the weekend. One of the benefits of second marriages was kids being strategically placed with ex-wives and ex-husbands for alternate weekends, leaving the couples an opportunity for uninterrupted time together.

      Annie and Jack arrived early Saturday afternoon. The tone was set immediately as Annie gave Rick a bottle of his most favourite wine, a gesture that was both kind and insightful. They spent the afternoon and evening enjoying the continuation of the conversations they had started weeks earlier.

      Rick showed the gathering the collection of pictures he had taken from the vacation with his digital camera. The visions of the vacation, the lush gardens, and the naked bodies that had graced the grounds of the resort created an erotic tension in the air. The familiar darting of eyes, each catching glances at each other, generated a palpable sensuality that they all knew would not go unanswered.

      Annie, being the outgoing and adventurous one, suggested that Rick photograph her and her husband. With the fire burning in the background, bouncing light off the corners of the room and almost daring the couples to match the heat coming from the hearth, Sarah and Jack moved the loveseats away from the front of the fireplace, leaving the room only with a plush rug on which the four bodies could be captured in digital form. For the next hour, Rick clicked away as Annie posed seductively for the camera.

      The first pictures were of Annie, naked against the baby grand piano, her breasts thrusting upward as her back was arched against the curves of the piano top. Then, like a model with years of experience in front of a camera, she choreographed her own moves, leaving the admiring group speechless watching the dance unfold. With outstretched arms, Annie ran her fingers over the top of the grand piano, stretching her body against the walnut grain. She raised herself to her tiptoes — thighs and calves tightened, and her lovely ass positioned along the side. It was an incredible sight. She reached behind her and pulled on the top of her crimson thong as she spread her legs apart. Rick bent down to capture the pure erotica of the moment as the camera came with in inches of her loveliness.

      Unable to control the adrenaline flowing through his body, Jack quickly removed his jeans and t-shirt and approached his beautiful wife at the edge of the keyboard. As Annie lowered herself to his waist, her hands inadvertently touched the keys as she took him in her mouth in one deep succulent thrust. The sound of the piano filled the room as Annie created her own erotic sounds. Rick captured each frame of this unfolding rhapsody.

      On the other side of the room, Sarah was absorbing the scene in front of her and slowly began removing her clothes. By now the atmosphere was fully charged with sexual excitement and the four explorers moved in unison. The camera was now full, but the images were not complete.

      Rick, Jack, Annie and Sarah moved closer to each other as their hands and fingers grasped and their mouths met in frantic motion. The bodies were now entangled on the plush carpet in front of the fireplace, beads of sweat forming on them, as the heat of the fire could not keep up with the burning of their erotic flesh.

      As the men lay on the floor, their women devoured them. As Annie continued to run her lips and tongue over Jack’s shaft, Sarah moved closer so her hands could touch and stroke him too. Annie moved her hands to Rick as the women moved between their men, each taking turns driving their lovers to the edge of explosion.

      Both women wanted to feel their men inside them. Taking no prompting from this drama, both women straddled their men and lowered themselves onto the two hard cocks. It was like a movie, moving in slow motion, the moans, the screams of ecstasy, the cries of orgasmic delights filled the room.

      For the next few hours, the four explored the delights of their flesh, totally abandoned and lost in the pure sexual adventure that unfolded.

      It was a weekend to remember — there is no doubt. But there are to be more weekends to create and to remember as the adventure of erotic exploration moves to the next rhapsody yet to be played.

      The baby grand piano awaits the next song for Jack, Annie, Rick and Sarah.

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